
An editor is your partner in the publishing process. I help authors clarify their message and tell their stories in the best way possible.

Here are a few of the books I’ve worked on.

Fantasy Novel

Fantasy novel edits with comments and track changes

An author had written the second book in a fantasy series and needed it edited. Throughout the book, I was able to edit for grammar and punctuation, cleaning up her writing.

I also focused on the structure of the book and character development. I helped her identify ways to make her characters more three-dimensional. I also helped her add descriptions to important scenes, making the book more enjoyable to read.

The editing process has helped improve her book and make her a better and more confident writer.

Purposed Publishing


Christian Living Book

Christian Living book with edits

A pastor and author of a Christian Living book wrote a follow-up that needed editing. I corrected the book’s grammar and punctuation and helped make sure the sentences flowed nicely together.

While reading, I also pointed out ways that the structure of the book could be improved. I was able to put myself in the shoes of a reader and help the author see ways to make his message more palatable.

The author was able to make these structural changes and produce a book he is proud of.

Amy Ogle Publishing


Christian Devotional

Christian Devotional edits

An author of one Christian Devotional had written a second book to encourage people to seek the Lord more deeply. I edited the book for grammar and punctuation but also helped her see areas where she could improve the flow of the paragraphs.

I pointed out sections where she could add or change anecdotes to reinforce the point that she was making. I also identified areas where she needed a transition sentence and wrote examples to see how her writing could be improved.

She published the book and has received many compliments on how her words have encouraged and inspired readers.

Angie Dennison




